
A standout amongst the most mainstream beauty ingredients in India, henna has been dealing with the greater part of our hair inconveniences since the seasons of former times. Ladies everywhere throughout the nation have been receiving the rewards of their moms and grandmas' recommendation by applying henna to their hair for a considerable length of time, if not hundreds of years. Aside from being a breathtaking fixing to normally color hair, henna is likewise known to reinforce, condition and feed the tresses from profound inside.

The word 'henna' is comprehended by individuals around the globe from multiple points of view. A majority share of individuals presumably partner it with the dim red/dark coloured dye for hair and skin that is customarily utilised in numerous societies; however, the name additionally applies to the blooming plant from which the color is determined.

Benefits of using Henna powder

Henna Hair Powder is produced using characteristic leaves of henna and has been utilised to cover silver hair since ages. It is a unique moulding specialist who gives smooth and rich inclination to hair and sustains them usually. It helps in fortifying the underlying foundations of the hair and gives them an extra sparkle. It likewise has antibacterial and antifungal properties and aides in keeping up the ph equalisation of the scalp. It helps in hair issues like dandruff, split closures and diminishing of hair.

Our company uses a committed approach towards providing quality henna powered for the individuals. We deliver 100% original and chemical free product that is healthy for your hair growth. Not only we are suppliers in India but in various international destination’s our henna powder products have been supplied such as UK, Australia, USA, Gulf countries, Asia, Europe, etc.